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Keywords: Agenda setting, Development, Tourism village


This study discusses the development of Batu Betumpang Village as a new tourism destination in South Bangka. In the area of Batu Betumpang Village, Pulau Besar District, South Bangka Regency, there are many potential tourist villages that have not been optimallydeveloped. So far, there have been many natural tourist destinations that still rely on the natural attractiveness of their beaches, but have been able to invite many tourists to come. The purpose of this research is basically to dig in depth about how the actual agenda setting is, especially in terms of how the policy design for planning and developing a coastal tourism village in Batu Betumpang Village is. While the natural data collection techniques of this research are interviews, observation and documentation. This study will also examine the obstacles and challenges faced by the government, both the Village government and the South Bangka Regency Government. The theory used in this study is the agenda setting theory by Anderson. The method used is descriptive qualitative. While the data collection techniques in this research, namely interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of this study are being able to see the beach development process in Batu Betumpang Village by using agenda setting theory by means of development policies that have been carried out by the Batu Petumpang Village government, one of which is policy making for the construction of gazebos and others. In this case, the development of the beach in Batu Betumpang Village can be seen as the challenges and obstacles in developing the beach in Batu Betumpang Village, namely differences of opinion, community awareness and awareness of managers who lack communication between managers. This is a form of agenda setting carried out by the community and the government.


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